Beat Blocks Can Be Fun, Actually - ToBBB

Tower of Beat Block Berserk

Difficulty: Bottom Remorseless [7.01]

Area: Ring 9

Review can be read below.

before anything i just wanna ask why the anime girl on floor 3 says "eat me" like no im not eating you stop

This tower was... a bit of a grindfest. I don't even know why, looking back now I can confidently say that it was far easier. Guess my ass just wanted to fall on every jump. Nonetheless, I've beaten it.

The surface-level gripe most people have with this tower is that it's got... Beatblocks. People in the JToH community basically despise them, so it'd make sense for a tower like this to be really shit, but... It works!

The beatblock mechanics are fantastic, and while, sure, there are some pesky bits then and there, it is genuinely a really pleasing tower to look at AND play. Definitely would recommend beating... If you... Haven't already.

Personal rating:



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